Good, young productive cows with low cell counts.
Cows from fresh to dry after your own selection in each individual farm
Jersey cows are proved to have the same contribution margin per cow as Holstein cows but the benefit by Danish Jerseys is that you can have more cows per area of land and more cows per square meter stable. If you sell your milk based on solids (fat and protein) – Danish Jersey cows are no. 1.
Why are Danish Jersey cows better than Holstein cows?
- Less land needed per cow
- High quality milk with high components
- The best feed efficiency- and water efficiency
- Easy in calf with great fertility
- More healthy
- Less mastitis and hoof problems
- Much better longevity
- Moderate stature that fits existing barns better
- Nobody changes their Jersey to Holstein. Most will change to Jerseys.
All breads
Heifers from 6 months old to high pregnant heifers
Young productive cows with low cell counts.
From some of the best cow families in the breed