Danish Jersey – Reach higher

We are specialized in exporting Danish Jerseys to all over the world
We offerContact

We offer


Heifers from 6 months old to high pregnant heifers


Young productive cows with low cell counts.


From some of the best cow families in the breed

Welcome to Danish Jersey Export

Danish Jersey Export was founded in 1956 and has been specializing in exporting this unique breed to countries all over the world – So far for 43 countries.

We provide you with heifers, cows, bulls and embryos from the finest herds in the country.

The breeding material has one of the highest veterinary standards in the world, and is from the best and fastest working breeding program.

The Danish Jerseys are “green”

International scientifically proofs show, that jerseys produce less metan and co2 each produced kgs of milk, which in western part of Europe give an advantage for more jersey cows per hectar and each square meter stable.